"The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but they are not human."
-- Adolf Hitler
-- Adolf Hitler
Monday, March 26, 2012
DUE DATE: MONDAY, APRIL 9, at the beginning of class. I highly suggest you do one or two of the answers each day rather than waiting until the last minute to do the whole thing. Then you will have time to review your work and see if it is worthy of a good TEST grade. You are being given this assignment the week before spring break, so you may finish it over the next five days and not have to worry about it during vacation.
With this assignment, you should show that you understood the book as a whole, as well as the importance of each individual chapter. Write a paper in which you show your overall knowledge of the book and World War II. Use literary terms, war and Holocaust terms,e tc.
Here is an outline of your assignment as discussed in class.
Imagine that you are going to explain MAUS to someone who has never read it. You are allowed ONE "frame" (picture) from each chapter to show this person, using the art and your explanation of it to summarize the entire book. As there are 6 chapters in Book I and 5 chapters in Book II, that means you are given a total of 11 frames of art (one from each chapter) to summarize both books. In conclusion, if someone were to look at these 11 pictures in a row, together with your explanation of them, they should get an excellent overview of Spiegelman's book, and why it is significant as a piece of LITERATURE and a story about WORLD WAR II.
There are 11 short essay answers required for your test: Make sure you label which book and chapter you are writing about for each frame.
YOU MAY TURN IN YOUR TEST EITHER TYPED OR HAND-WRITTEN. However, if your handwriting is sloppy or hard to decipher, I will mark every answer that I cannot read as INCORRECT. So, if you know you have difficulty writing neatly, you either want to allow extra time to write it NEATLY, or you may want to type your paper.
IMPORTANT RULE: You may NOT use the "title art" from ANY chapter. (Cover pages with titles "The Sheik," "The Honeymoon," "Prisoner of War," "The Noose Tightens," "Mouse Holes," "Mouse Traps," etc.)
1.) Select 1 frame of art from each chapter. This frame should be one that YOU feel best encapsulates (summarizes) the chapter and carries a lot of significance. It may be best to select a frame in which you feel both the text and image have a strong meaning, but you may rely more heavily on one than the other. If you consider it important, you may also want to consider the chapter's title when selecting your frame. (However, you may NOT use the Chapter's title artwork as your selection.)
2.) To begin each answer, write the page and frame number, and a bit of the text so I know which photo you are discussing.
3.) After selecting and noting the important frame on your paper, write one or two paragraphs (no more, no less) describing what the picture shows and explaining its deeper meaning in context of MAUS I and II. Your explanation should show why that picture is important in the chapter to summarize Spiegelman's plot and/or message.
4.) Repeat these steps for all 11 chapters.
5.) When completed, REVIEW and EDIT your work. Once you have completed all 11 answers (chapters), re-read them all together as an entire unit. Do the combined answers give a great overview of the entire book, hitting major plot points and facts about Vladek's story? Artie's story? The war? Think of "The Assignment" (above). Would your completed paper adequately summarize MAUS to someone who has never read it? (You may, in fact, want to present your assignment to a parent or friend who has not read MAUS and see if it is clear to them.)
-- misspelled words
-- improper use of commas
-- incorrect grammar
-- lack of capital letters where they are required (names, beginnings of sentences, cities, etc)
PUT SOME TIME INTO THIS! IT IS A MAJOR UNIT TEST! (You will also have an in-class multiple choice test on the book.)
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